Who Am I?

09 Feb

wowWow, I’ve been overwhelmed by the response of my last post. I feel the need to explain I am not a blogger looking to draw battle lines on every hot confrontational topic in the press. My older children attended an incredible purity retreat this weekend and after a few discussions, the prompting from God to get the word out was too strong to ignore. My hope was to begin a conversation within families as to where the purity line began. In our home, we aim for purity in what we see, hear, and do.

Many moms told me they did not really know about the books or the movie. Several moms told me their daughters had read the books and they needed to have discussions with them. Many moms thanked me for prompting them to do some research, because their teens were planning to see the movie this weekend. I am SO thankful God used my simple words to prompt such a response. I prayed this would be the response.

Of course, I have to admit I was surprised at the number of people who spoke up to tell me how wrong I was. Before my friends and family get defense of me, God provided me great insight into their comments. It appeared to me that almost every person in opposition to my post was really asking, “Who are you?” So…

I am a daughter of the King of Kings. I am in pursuit of righteousness for His Name’s sake. I desire to raise my children to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I further pray that my children will seek the wisdom and discernment of God in any decision they make.

I am not an expert on these books or any other books. I am not an expert on any movie. I am not a perfect parent. Yet, I must as every other parent must, make decisions on what my children can read, watch, and participate in.

I do not believe I must read every book before making a decision about it nor watch every show or movie before making a decision. I appreciate the rating guidelines, but know that can not be the sole decision maker.

I also believe that we moms can encourage each other to be the best moms we can be! So, thank you all for your support and the conversation you have started. We have such freedoms as moms. There is not one right way to parent and there are so many variables. I encourage you to do your research and make wise decisions for your family so you can rock on, Momma!!

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Posted by on February 9, 2015 in Uncategorized


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