Tag Archives: lies

Lies, All Lies

liesThe first lie told thousands of years ago earned the privilege of being recorded in Genesis. The serpent, “more crafty than any (Genesis 3:1),” lied to Eve. I have always found it fascinating Satan approaches Eve instead of Adam. Satan hasn’t stopped lying to women (or men, for that matter).

Here are two lies I see most women believing:

1. I’m not pretty enough. For what should be our answer. Desiring to look like a super model after an extensive workout with Photoshop will leave you believing this lie. But, are you a super model by trade? I’m not! 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us that our bodies are a temple, so we should treat our bodies well. Being healthy and being pretty remain two different things. Pretty is subjective. Pretty is cultural. What are you trying to be pretty enough for? Is your focus on health, strength of character or good looks. I’m guilty of letting this lie steal my joy. I’m guilty of letting the number on my clothing tag send me into binge eating (and not healthy things). I’m not a size 6 and I may never be. My focus needs to be on having a beautiful character, because I want that for my daughters. I would scream if I heard my daughters decide their worth based on the tag in their clothing. I would have a fit if I heard them make fun of the way they look. Why, then, am I an exception to this rule?

2. I’m not smart enough. This lie has plagued me for 20 years. I never finished my college degree. I have allowed this lie to limit jobs and opportunities. When friends began telling me I should write and speak professionally, I allowed Satan to use this deeply planted lie to keep me from doing what God intended. Not everyone has or needs a college degree. Not everyone needs a high school diploma. Pursuing an education or higher education is a worthy goal, but not having one doesn’t necessarily limit you from becoming a success. Obviously, it depends on your chosen profession. I do like to see a diploma from a medical school on the wall when speaking to a surgeon, but if my hair dresser graduated from beauty school and not high school, I’m okay with that. I’ve come to learn that I write and speak about what I know; being a wife & mom, homeschooling & children’s ministry. My martial education, I’ve been married 17 years. My motherhood education, I’ve been “mom” to 33 children. Homeschooling 11 years & Children’s Ministry 10 years. I have an education to do what I do, some refer to it as On-The-Job Training.

So, what lies are you believing? Struggling with looks, education, parenting, job, etc? Willing to share & find the truth?



Posted by on September 22, 2014 in Moms


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