Tag Archives: homeschool

Momma Goals

momLaundry, mopping, toilets to clean, trash to empty, dishes to wash and the list goes on. How long is your list today, Momma?

May I suggest your job description isn’t limited to housework. A wise Pastor and friend of mine freed me from the feeling that cleaning, clothing and feeding my family was my most important responsibility. The lot of your list should be delegated to make way for the goals you have in rearing your children.

I now have 3 goals as Momma:

1. Raise children who love Christ. We attend church as a family and encourage church involvement, but we read the Bible and pray together as a family. We teach, “we are blessed to be a blessing.” We point to the One that does the blessing and serve others in the name of Christ. We have led each of our children to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and rejoice as each of them has found joy in the relationship they have with Jesus. This is not a responsibility to be delegated to the church. The church is there to support you Momma, but this goal belongs to you.

2. Raise children who are employable. I love my children and the thought of any of them leaving my house breaks my heart. However, that’s my job. My children need to be able to provide for themselves. My goal is to ensure their gifts and talents are evaluated properly then to pray over them as they seek God’s Will for their life. I also believe it is my job to provide an education to put all of these details together. Again, while you may delegate the teaching, don’t delegate the education. Schools (public, charter, private & homeschool) are there to support you Momma, but this goal belongs to you.

3. Raise children who will make a good spouse. I don’t believe everyone will be married, but my goal is to make sure if they do marry, they make a good spouse. We start with the saying, “we work hard, so we can play hard.” Marriage is hard work, so my children need to know how to work hard. No shortcuts. Most families contain two full-time working parents, so household chores must be split as well. My children are trained to operate a washing machine as soon as they are tall enough to put the soap in (thank goodness height runs in our family). My children are taught to close what they open, put away what they take out, and replace what they finish. My children are taught to serve others a drink when they are thirsty and make a meal big enough for the entire family. There aren’t many organizations out there to support you in this goal, Momma. In fact, we live in a culture that teaches the exact opposite. Our children are growing up in a “look-out-for-number-one” world. Momma, please don’t let this goal slip past you.

So, what do you think? Which goal do you need to make a priority?

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Posted by on September 29, 2014 in Moms, Parenting


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