Tag Archives: Epistle to the Ephesians

Tired Mom

Some nights I grow weary. I fall into bed physically unable to move and mentally unable to rest. My mind wanders constantly to the lengthy list of tasks yet to be completed. I ache to find purpose and wonder if my life resembles that of a hamster caught on an exercise wheel. Rest finally comes.

Renewed with a new day before me, I read Ephesians 4:1:
“Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.”

I admit I claim imprisonment at times. I long for all of our clothes to be clean and in their rightful place. I want dishes that clean themselves and put themselves neatly away. I could find freedom from dirty floors, dirty bathrooms and dust all together. It would also be helpful if my kids would never spill anything, say anything offensive and obey my every word.

No matter how hard my day, I am no prisoner. I am free. I am free in Christ. I am called to be a mom. The mom of 3 incredible children, God’s children. While those children come with a ton of work, I’ve been called. I must lead a life worthy of my calling. So, I will wash clothes, dishes, counters and floors. I will clean up spills while reminding myself and my children not to cry over spilled milk. I will correct speech and behavior. I will encourage, teach, love, bandage wounds, chauffeur, cook, and pray over my children. I will do this because I must lead a life worthy of my calling, for I have been called by God.


Posted by on April 25, 2012 in Parenting


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