Tag Archives: Discipline

I’m Sorry

Confession: I’m a yeller by nature. Only on my game am I the mom I want to be. I envision quietly speaking to my child’s heart by looking them in the eyes. At the end of our cordial conversation, my words would be met with instant obedience, a child’s repentant heart and a big hug.

But, I’m not always on my game. Searching a disorganized counter, I search for the car key. A glance at the giant clock within my view heightens my anxiety. Late. Again. Out of the corner of my eye, I see it. A child wistfully playing unaware of the dilemma we find ourselves in. She begins whistling. I don’t like whistling. I especially don’t like whistling while I’m searching for the object that frees us from this capture.

STOP WHISTLING, PLEASE. As if yelling “please”, excuses me from yelling at this little one.

CAN’T YOU SEE I’M LOOKING FOR MY KEY? Knowing that “please” didn’t work, I try to reason with a preschooler.

Moments later, that little precious girl of mine, says, “Here’s the key, Mommy. I was holding it special for you.”

I never asked my preschooler if she had seen the key. I went on thinking finding the key was Mom Work and yet, I yelled at her when she went about doing Preschooler Work. There was only one thing to do.

I asked my little one to sit on my lap and I apologized. I told her I was wrong. I shouldn’t have yelled. I should have asked nicely. I asked for her forgiveness. She forgave my repentant heart and we shared that hug. Sometimes the moms provide the discipline and sometimes my kids provide me the discipline I need.

So, I encourage you, Momma, apologize when you need to. Matthew 12:25 tells us, “Every kingdom that fights against itself will be destroyed. Every city or family that is divided against itself will not stand.” (emphasis mine)

Then, when you receive forgiveness, Rock On, Momma, Rock On!


Posted by on April 17, 2012 in Parenting


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